On this dark and stormy day before Thanksgiving, I would just like to send one thousand and one butterfly wings to all who are traveling on this day to be with their loved ones. And one thousand and one prince and princess froggy kisses to ANE CRABTREE, JANET KALAS, CAROL ENG, DGOS17, DLJM58 AND DAVE HARTWIG!!! So it is with great cheer and much thankfulness that we extend our most heartfelt thanks FOR THEIR MOST GENEROUS LOVELY CONTRIBUTIONS/ORDERS of First Edition Signed Copies of Bitsy and Raff!!! Although, we have reached our goal there is still so much more work to be done as we are finding out everyday! SO PLEASE, SPREAD THE GOOD CHEER OF BITSY AND RAFF’S O’ SO IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF LOVE, AND THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP! AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN ALL MAKE THIS WORLD, JUST A LITTLE BIT KINDER!
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