Traveling across a great big pond called the Pacific


Traveling across a great big pond called the Pacific, I wandered to beautiful Nagasaki, Japan, where today my friends and I happened into a magical store devoted to picture books for children of all ages. I cannot wait to have our story translated into Japanese so that we can come back to this wondrous establishment, to read the story of Bitsy and Raff and share Anastasia Traina’s enchanting pictures!!! Happy holidays to all!! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!

Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

On this bustery snow falling Tuesday we would like to say THANK YOU…

On this bustery snow falling Tuesday we would like to say THANK YOU, sprinkled with one thousand and one bestest friend mushy hugs to Ceci West for her most generous gift to Bitsy and Raff! oxox

Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update


Happy happy Birthday, David!
“Just outside of a town near you,
A pond ripples softly with waters of blue. Written by David Caudle


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

Just outside a town near you…

Just outside a town near you, a pond shimmers frostily in cool shades of blue. And as the sun strains its light through the trees in the west, Bitsy and Raff settle in for a calm winter’s rest.


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

‘ on this gray but glorious December 6th day our little campaign comes to an end…

O’ on this gray but glorious December 6th day our little campaign comes to an end, we exceeded our goal and made lots of new friends, and it is with a full & most grateful heart that we humbly thank all of our old and new friends for helping BITSY AND RAFF remain for more than just one day!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY ONE!!!!

Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update


THANK YOU STEPHEN MCCAULEY!!! CATHY TEMPELSMAN!!! and Another Wonderful ANONYMOUS!!! for making a big splash in our pond today!!! Less than ten hours left!

Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

O’ the clock had struck five on this unusually warm Dec. 5th eve…

O’ the clock had struck five on this unusually warm Dec. 5th eve… AND THERE IS ONLY 10 HOURS LEFT TO OUR LITTLE CAMPAIGN, BUT before it all ends there are certain things I must do…first, I shall share A LITTLE BIT MORE OF THAT EENSY-WEENSY CORNER ~ Watercolor in progress by Anastasia Traina ON PROPER PAPER ~ 2013

“Just outside of a town near you,
A pond ripples softly with waters of blue. Written by David Caudle — — with David Caudle.

NOW, without further ado we would like to say our evening THANK YOUS, sprinkled with one thousand and one bestest friend mushy hugs to, ETHAN AND ERICA SILVERMAN, 3 X ANONYMOUS, AND SSTEVEMCC!!

Although, we have reached our goal there is still so much more work to be done as we are finding out everyday! AND NOW, Bitsy and Raff has just 19 HOURS left to convince, enchant, propose, twist, enthrall, illuminate, and otherwise simply ask all those who haven’t quite yet, to join in our campaign of inclusion and friendship!!! PLEASE take a peek and hop on BITSY AND RAFF CAMPAIGN!


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

On this ever so mild December fifth morn…

On this ever so mild December fifth morn, I am sitting in front of my window, looking out to the graying skies, curiously, I watch as eight black crows circle about in search of something no longer alive… O’ excuse me, I digress, what I really want to say is THANK YOU to my bestest friend (and much much more) in the whole wide world, SCOTT COHEN!! THANK YOU for being there with your never wavering love, magic and support for Bitsy, Raff, David Caudle and me!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!

And now the hours are dwindling down and soon our little Bitsy & Raff campaign will come to an end…but, before that is so we would like to give our most heartiest of thanks sprinkled with one thousand and one bestest friend mushy hugs to…. CHAD HURSA, GREG & DENISE CRAWFORD AND SHARON GERSTEIN!

Although, we have reached our goal there is still so much more work to be done as we are finding out everyday! AND NOW, Bitsy and Raff has just 19 HOURS left to convince, enchant, propose, twist, enthrall, illuminate, and otherwise simply ask all those who haven’t quite yet, to join in our campaign of inclusion and friendship!!! PLEASE take a peek and hop on BITSY AND RAFF CAMPAIGN!


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

David Caudle, Bitsy and Raff, and I just want to say…

David Caudle, Bitsy and Raff, and I just want to say that we are so very thankful that the great and wondrous Priya Barr, with her magical and delightful red pen, sauntered into our literary lives… for there is absolutely nothing better than a great editor!!! ( think Ursula Nordstrom) You are priceless Priya, and we are very lucky that you have so generously sprinkled your enchanting fairy ink on us! So with much love and muchiness we thank you!!!


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update

Sweetpea Jones and Genevieve Opossum have stopped by the pond to help us talk a lil’ Possum…

Sweetpea Jones and Genevieve Opossum have stopped by the pond to help us talk a lil’ Possum… O’ the hours are dwindling and soon our little Bitsy & Raff campaign will come to an end…but, before that is so we would like to give our most heartiest of thanks sprinkled with one thousand and one Opossumy hugs to…. JO SALAS, NANCY TENENBAUM, SHEAMONKEY, ERIC HUNSLEY, and two very wondrous anonymous!!!

Although, we have reached our goal there is still so much more work to be done as we are finding out everyday! AND NOW, Bitsy and Raff has just 44 HOURS left to convince, enchant, propose, twist, enthrall, illuminate, and otherwise simply ask all those who haven’t quite yet, to join in our campaign of inclusion and friendship!!! PLEASE take a peek and hop on BITSY AND RAFF CAMPAIGN!


Posted in Bitsy And Raff, Facebook Posts, Update